
1. Bought DVD "The Prince and Me", loved it, a fairy tale come true.
2. Rented 1DVD get one free, so I got "Pirates of the Carribean" for my afternoon class to watch (coz they are learning

about pirates) and got "Night at the Museum" for myself. Coincidently, my evening class was learning about dinosaurs

so I let them watch Night at the Museum. Glad to see that both classes enjoyed the movies a lot.
3. Recieved Hans' postcard and oversea call at the same time which was a great surprise.
4. Casey (this cute preschool girl) came to me with sweets and snacks and a note, which happens to be from a

colleague, a really nice woman. It sure lightened up my day!
5. Dad put up a mossy tent (I just made that word up) in my room. When I got home and saw it I was really surprised

at how pretty and like a princess' bed it was.
6. On the bus I was short of $5 and tried to get change from passengers. A guy asked me how much am I short of, I

said $5 and he gave it to me. I was very thankful to him.
7. Still got a stomach ache tonight.

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