
Tips on boosting your self-confidence

How you feel about yourself truly does affect your interaction with others.

It truly saddens me when I hear women using negative talk when referring to themselves. We aren't born with self confidence but it is something that we gain throughout our lives. There are many things that we encounter over the years to help build or break that confidence but ultimately it is up to us to maintain our own self-confidence. Those who lack self-confidence are truly losing out on opportunities for happiness, fun, growth and often love.

Here are just a few tips that anyone can use to help build self-confidence

- Start off each morning and end each day with a positive statement or thought. Create your own mantra. (i.e: "I am intelligent", "I will have a positive day", "I will succeed".)

- Get to know the TRUE you and accept yourself. The more you accept your true self the more others will do the same.

- Make a list of all your positive characteristics and achievements. Keep adding to this list as time goes on and be sure to keep your list in a place where you can access it and read it at will.

- Choose your words/thoughts carefully: Take time to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. If you are faced with a challenging task -- instead of saying something like: "I will never get this done on time" try to rephrase that and say something like: "When I finish this task I will treat myself to something nice" or "This may be challenging but I can do this".

- Take what you are good at and enhance it. Let others know about it! Hold you head up high and proud and know you have a special gift inside of you.

Building up self-confidence takes time and commitment but it is well worth it. You will soon find yourself embracing yourself and giving off a very positive energy that will surely come back to you.

Aurelia Williams

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