Choosing Directions Daily
by Kiesha Campbell
Ask yourself this question frequently: In one sentence, what is my purpose for living on this earth--my special way of contributing value to my fellow human beings?
When you have a decision to make, look in all directions and decide quickly on a course of action. Then get busy. You might need to change directions at some point, but the important thing is to make a choice and begin moving.
When decisions are hard to make, seek help from someone who has traveled that road before you. Somewhere there is someone who has had to make the same decision or has
already solved the same problem you now face.
Look closely at your desires. Only you can make the final decision on your priorities and how you spend your time.
Remember that the paths to some dreams, especially the most compelling, could take years to complete. However, there will be unexpected shortcuts along the way. Carry
a "map" with you, a plan of your own design that will guide you. Then redraw your plan when needed, and take advantage of those unexpected shortcuts. Sometimes a temporary barrier will actually give you an advantage you were not expecting.
You can only do what you are able to do at any one time. Rather than attempting more tasks than you can complete, start with the most necessary and do fewer tasks with excellence.
When an emergency situation crops up, look to see if it is your responsibility. If there is something you can do to assist another human being, then it is certainly yours. Do what you are able to do in the best way you can. Most of all, never give up on your dreams. They are the ultimate guiding light, the essence of who you are and what you can accomplish with faith and perseverance.
Choose your directions wisely each day, enjoying all
the blessings along the way, and your destinations are
sure to reward you beyond expectation.
(C) 2005 by Kiesha Campbell
- Feb 22 Wed 2006 12:19
live you Dreams!