This is an excerpt from Paula Onysko's June newsletter.
I wonder how our lives would be different if every decision we made was
all heart.if we could silence the logical mind and follow our heart's
desires. Would we occupy the same job? Foster the same relationships?
Worry about the same things? Dream the same dreams?
I wonder.
Would we experience more peace and love? More tenderness? More heart
I wonder.
As I follow my nose lately, I watch life unfold in amazement. To realize
all I miss when I'm not noticing the world around me. How unconsciously
we live sometimes. One big sleepwalk.
Do you stop to notice life? All the sights, smells and sounds around
you? Know that for all you can absorb with your senses, there is more
beyond. The more you become attuned, the more you shall experience.
Riches are available to us all.
I notice that it is easy to live a dream. The question is whose
dream are you living? I will easily pour my heart and soul into a
project at work, pushing myself to meet tight deadlines and produce
high-quality results. My friend Anne said to me lately, "What if you
invested that same energy into your own dreams? Imagine what you could
produce." She is right. And yet, when it comes to my own dreams, I
don't seem to have the same drive. Somehow, a pay cheque carries more
weight than my heart's desires. Why is that? Sure, there are bills to
pay. There always will be. Does that mean we are held victim to the
necessities of life? Are they all necessities or have we made them so?
And, even when I've built up a little dream fund, I still find reason to
not invest in my dreams. I've discovered that I tell myself I'm not
ready for my dreams to unfold. The conditions around me aren't quite
right. I operate as if dreams are something unattainable-something you dangle in front of you but never really achieve. It's time to change
my tune. because in my heart, I know that dreams are every bit as
powerful and real as this place we call reality. They are the juice of
life-the very reason we breathe.
Are your dreams your reality? Or do you hold them outside of yourself?
Are you like me waiting for it to stop raining? I think it's time to
dance despite the rain.
3. Speaking of rain, today I stepped outside onto my front porch and let
the raindrops tickle my nose. I love the smell of rain. The grass grins
from blade to blade, the flowers stand tall with pride. I thought of
the sun hiding behind the clouds. We all have days when we hide behind
a wall of grey, don't we? But most of the time, I notice how I don't
allow myself grey days. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin, wishing I
wasn't quite so moody, emotional, irritable or sad. I can't wait for the
sun to shine again. I forget that I too mirror the ebb and flow of all
things in nature. There is a natural pattern that we can either fight
or flow with. Find the treasures in the ebb-those days when turning
inward and basking in the silence is just what the doctor ordered. Let
it be okay to feel sad or mad. You'll be surprised at how quickly your
mood will change once you accept where you are at.
C 2005 Paula Onysko Consulting
- Feb 22 Wed 2006 12:50
Follow your HEART~