"內用" "我要一份沙朗牛肉A餐"
"恩 沒關係"
小姐:好, 那先幫你"結紮",一共是一百一十五元
現在的人愈來愈ㄓ ㄔ ㄕ ㄖ 不分

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當日人氣: 178
累積人氣: 4244

不斷上升的人氣 is FREAKING ME OUT!
Coz I don't know who is looking at my photos><
mind leaving a message for me please?
Don't be shy, I just wanna know who you are^^

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玩西瓜 YEAH!

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  • Jun 01 Wed 2005 15:42
  • 搶七

累積之前的比數 win 2/ Lost 3 games
其實也不是啦 因為最後一場了 突然有種婉惜
比數一直很近 1:1, 2:2 (局), tie break 3:3, 4:4(分)
我想這下緊張了 不知道誰會贏
換我發球 我就跟他賭了 高手發球...在線上IN! 得分
很快的又一球得分 7:4 比賽結束
還好我們隊名叫"搶七" 在關鍵的一刻 我們總算搶七成功!
總計 3勝3敗 我和隊友都覺得不錯
因為輸的那三次都是遇到很強的對手:狗仔隊, ps, ?

隊友也很kind的跟我說我那個高手發球真是棒 用對時候
我高興的笑 all the hard practice of sserving payed off!
真是個愉快的happy Ending^^

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今夏想走衝浪風 一定要去海邊囉:P
去年剛從日本回還時就有一點tan, 慢慢白回來了
真怪 黑的時候想白 白的時候想黑
恩 希望不是三分鐘熱度

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Maslow's '高峰經驗'

今天上藝術史心理學時 老師講到中世紀的藝術作品給人的震撼力是非常強的
1. 喜歡獨處
2. 都有或常有'高峰經驗' (被事物感動的經驗,是那種極度感動到忘我的境界,老師形容為觸電的感覺)
也請大家分享自己的經驗 但不知是害羞還是真的想不到 大家都鴉雀無聲
我很努力的回想過去的經驗 我肯定我有過這樣感動的經驗
但是就是沒有辦法舉例 不然就是不確定算不算是高峰經驗(因為被電影感動到哭不算)
我也有聽歌聽到哭 常有 但是那是因為加入個人情感和其他因素 所以我也不知道算不算
我想比較接近的大概是有一次9年級的camp在山上搭帳篷過夜 從未在深山很高的地方看星空
在身手不見五指的山裡 抬頭看見無數個星星 排成銀河的spiral arm
那是我這一生中到現在看過最美的星空 也最感動

其他也有大大小小感動的經驗 但是要稱得上是觸電或流淚的感動 又遲疑了

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I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You

I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who
Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.

Pablo Neruda

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As this is really too profound for me to explain in my own words, I shall provide the original script for you who
are interested to think for yourself!
Dimitri Marianoff: "...it seemed to an observer as though two planets were engaged in a chat."

The Nature of Reality

(A transcript of the conversation between Rabindranath Tagore and Professor Albert Einstein on 14th July, 1930, at the latter's residence in Kaputh)

Einstein : Do you believe in the Divine as isolated from the world?
Tagore : Not isolated. The infinite personality of Man comprehends the Universe. There cannot be anything that cannot be subsumed by the human personality,
and this proves that the truth of the Universe is human truth. I have taken a scientific fact to explain this. Matter is composed of protons and electrons,
with gaps between them, but matter may seem to be solid without the links in spaces which unify the individual electrons and protons.
Similarly humanity is composed of individuals, yet they have their interconnection of human relationship, which gives living unity to man's world.
The entire universe is linked up with us, as individuals, in a similar manner - it is a human universe. I have pursued this thought through art, literature and the religious consciousness of man.

Einstein : There are two different conceptions about the nature of the universe -the world as a unity dependent on humanity, and the world as a reality independent of the human factor.

Tagore : When our universe is in harmony with man, the eternal, we know it as truth, we feel it as beauty.

Einstein : This is the purely human conception of the universe.

Tagore : There can be no other conception. This world is a human world - the scientific view of it is also that of the scientific man.
Therefore, the world apart from us does not exist; it is a relative world, depending for its reality upon our consciousness.
There is some standard of reason and enjoyment which gives it truth, the standard of the Eternal Man whose experiences are through our experiences.

Einstein : This is a realization of the human entity.

Tagore : Yes, one eternal entity. We have to realize it through our emotions and activities. We realized the Supreme Man who has no individual limitations
through our limitations. Science is concerned with that which is not confined to individuals, it is the impersonal human world of truths.
Religion realizes these truths and links them up with our deeper needs; our individual consciousness of truth gains universal significance.
Religion applies values to truth, and we know this truth as good through our own harmony with it.

Einstein : Truth, then, or beauty is not independent of man?

Tagore : No.

Einstein : If there would be no human beings any more, the Apollo of Belvedere would no longer be beautiful.

Tagore : No!

Einstein : I agree with regard to this conception of Beauty, but not with regard to Truth.

Tagore : Why not? Truth is realized through man.

Einstein : I cannot prove that my conception is right, but that is my religion.

Tagore : Beauty is in the ideal of perfect harmony which is in the Universal Being, Truth the perfect comprehension of the Universal mind.
We individuals approach it through our own mistakes and blunders, through our accumulated experiences, - through our illumined consciousness
- how, otherwise, can we know Truth?

Einstein : I cannot prove that scientific truth must be conceived as a truth that is valid independent of humanity; but I believe it firmly.
I believe, for instance, that the Pythagorean theorem in geometry states something that is approximately true, independent of the existence of man.
Anyway, if there is a reality independent of man, there is also a truth relative to this reality; and in the same way the negation of
the first engenders a negation of the existence of the latter.

Tagore : Truth, which is one with the Universal Being, must essentially be human; otherwise whatever we individuals realize as true can never
be called truth, at least the truth which is described as scientific and which only can be reached through the process of logic, in other words,
by an organ of thoughts which is human. According to Indian philosophy there is Brahman, the absolute Truth which cannot be conceived by the
isolation of the individual mind or described by words but can only be realized by completely merging the individual in its infinity.
But such a truth cannot belong to science. The nature of truth which we are discussing is an appearance, that is to say,
what appears to be true to the human mind and therefore is human, and may be called Maya or illusion.

Einstein : So according to your conception, which may be the Indian conception, it is not the illusion of the individual but of humanity as a whole.

Tagore : In science we go through the discipline of eliminating the personal limitations of our individual minds and thus reach that comprehension of truth
which is in the mind of the Universal Man.

Einstein : The problem begins whether truth is independent of our consciousness.

Tagore : What we call truth lies in the rational harmony between the subjective and objective aspects of reality, both of which belong to the super-personal man.

Einstein : Even in our everyday life, we feel compelled to ascribe a reality independent of man to the objects we use.
We do this to connect the experiences of our senses in a reasonable way. For instance, if nobody is in this house, yet that table remains where it is.

Tagore : Yes, it remains outside the individual mind but not the universal mind. The table which I perceive is perceptible by the same kind of consciousness which I possess.

Einstein : Our natural point of view in regard to the existence of truth apart from humanity cannot be explained or proved, but it is a belief which nobody can lack -
no primitive beings even. We attribute to truth a superhuman objectivity, it is indispensable for us, this reality which is independent of our existence and our experience and our mind
- though we cannot say what it means.

Tagore : Science has proved that the table as a solid object is an appearance and therefore that which the human mind perceives as a table would not exist if that mind were naught.
At the same time it must be admitted that the fact that the ultimate physical reality is nothing but a multitude of separate revolving centres of electric force, also belongs to the human mind.
In the apprehension of truth there is an eternal conflict between the universal human mind and the same mind confined in the individual. The perpetual process of reconciliation is being
carried on in our science, philosophy, in our ethics. In any case, if there be any truth absolutely unrelated to humanity, then for us it is absolutely non-existing. It is not difficult to imagine a mind
to which sequence of things happens not in space but only in time like the sequence of notes in music. For such a mind such conception of reality is akin to the musical reality in which Pythagorean geometry can have no meaning.
There is the reality of paper, infinitely different from the reality of literature. For the kind of mind possessed by the moth which eats that paper literature is absolutely non-existent, yet for man's mind literature has a greater value of truth
than the paper itself. In a similar manner if there be some truth which has no sensuous or rational relation to human mind, it will ever remain as nothing so long as we remain human beings.

Einstein : Then I am more religious than you are!

Tagore : My religion is in the reconciliation of the Super-personal Man, the universal human spirit, in my own individual being. This has been the subject of my Hibbert Lectures, which I have called "The Religion of Man."

(Published in the January, 1931, issue of Modern Review)

? Submitted by Kumud Biswas
March 14, 2004

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從我妹的留言版看到有一些人因為Jupiter和Cupid而有異議. 我覺得這是翻譯惹的禍,因為我以前
I think all the misunderstanding started with the unconscious mistake made by the original author.

邱比特is Cupid(Roman name),called Eros in Greek , the little angel with a bow and arrow in many paintings
about the Greek Mythology, who is also Venus' son.

Jupiter (Roman name), as in Jupiters Casino, should be 朱比特, which is called Zeus (Greek) in the Greek Mythology.
He is the Top God of the earth and the ruler of Mount Olympus (where all the Greek Gods lived).

To be frank, I didn't know that Eva was talking about Jupiters Casino either,
cause I immediately thought of Cupid when I saw the Chinese, no wonder Yolly didn't get it,
and also aroused other poeple's different interpretations. Just a thought haha, nothing serious.

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I know I'm suppose to be continuing in the study for American Literature as the midterm
is coming, yet I can't help marking down this feeling of mine, after reading Willa Cather's

Neighbor Rosicky.
I don't know why I feel so moved by it, and I really like her style, in which I feel totally

drawn to the
characters and mood of the whole setting. The protagonist, Old Rosicky really touches my

heart. Here are some quotes in
the story which I found inspiring:
"Those blank buildings, without the stream of life pouring through them, were like empty

jails. It struck young Rosicky that
this was the trouble with big cities; they built you in from the earth itself, cemented you

away from any contact with the ground. You lived
in an unnatural world, like the fish in an aquarium, who were probably much more comfortable

than they ever were in the sea."
"She had a sudden feeling that nobody in the world, not her mother, not Rudolph, or anyone,

really loved her as much as old Rosicky did. It perplexed her...
It was as if Rosicky had a special gift for loving people, something that was like an ear

for music or an eye for color. It was quiet, unobstrusive; it was merely there."
"Nothing could be more undeathlike than this place; nothing could be more right for a man

who had helped to do the work of great cities and gad always longed for the open
country and had got to it at last. Rosicky's life seemed to him complete and beautiful."

Maybe this doesn't give others the sense of how moving it is, you'd really have to read the
whole story to feel it. It just makes me think of what I want in life, the way Rosicky had

thought of seriously on the 4th of July afternoon. He was lucky though, he figured it out

when he was still considerably young. He had chosen life in the country, to own his own land

and live easily and enjoy the moment instead of hurring through life in the big city.
I think this story is very affectionate and warm as the personality of Rosicky, yet it also

brought subtle sorrow at the end when Rosicky died of a heartattack. I know that he is a

content man and he feels comfortable in the final place he rests, but I can't help feeling a

sense of loss.

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上禮拜熱舞表演完加上去pub完到凌晨之後 一連四天都很累 怎麼睡都補不回來
昨天很累很累所以下午翹體育課睡了三個多小時 今天的精神稍微比較好了
原來我前幾天太晃神所以忘了很多件事 (forgot to write a reading journal that's due today;
forgot to research on the topic that we're going to discuss at a meeting today; forgot to
read the assigned readings for a course)
前幾天我每天都覺得很多是又每天都很累 今天突然發現我漏掉這麼多重要的事
I forgot my point......

真奇怪 前天才突然想起那首很久很久沒聽到的歌 Sweat, 今天在超商竟然就聽見了,我還
故意在裡面逛到聽完它...這真的是巧合嗎? 應該是吧,不然只要是想到的東西就會出現,

剛剛開會討論管理學報告 不知道為什麼我特別多話而且氣氛也很high 是不是跟主題"水平思考"有關呢?
因為我一直想到怪點子說出來大家就一直笑 很喜歡那種大家很愉快的感覺 最受不了開會時大家都在沉思


回到住的地方洗了個澡 心血來潮的拿出塵封已久的乳液從頭抹到腳 偶爾也花點時間寵自己一下 平常都

原本要做一個吸管枕頭做了三個月還沒做好 因為根本沒時間去弄那種東西 想想這樣還算有在生活嗎?

明天早上要去跑步 不然沒抵抗力很容易生病 身體健康最重要!

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ha.......I just found out something funny, and solved a long time mistery for me!
While I was researching about soca, reggae and the Carribean, this old song form grade 5 in

primary school suddenly came up my mind: Sweat (Inner Circle), it goes "a la la la la long,

a la la la la long long li long long long~" I checked up on google and it is actually

another reggae song!!

I remembered that it was a hit then, but we weren't encouraged to sing it at school coz

there's something about the lyrics that indicates sex..... but I really liked to dance to

it! Now I kinda know how to recognise reggae music: songs that have sexual implications and

are easy to dance along with!

I found some information about soca and reggae, it says that soca is reggae with a fast beat

and is easy to dance to. Here is another piece of information:

"Soca's still Caribbean music, but it's completely different from reggae. It's got more of a

dance beat. So I decided to put the two together for a show. It seems to attract the people

that aren't into reggae because it's 'too slow. 'And people who are into just soca have a

chance to listen to some reggae. It's a rare Caribbean mix."

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Open this website and listen to one of my favorite soca/reggae music


This moment, I really understood something: "You might not even know what your real interest

is." I mean, we might have an interest or likes that we "think" we've always been interested

in, but you never know what you are missing out on and what your "potetial" interests maybe

until you really find it.
Recently, my dance club offers a class for reggae dance. I went to the class once and

decided that I won't go again because I didn't like "that type" of music (I was actually

being quite subjective here, it could've been just that particular song, but I rejected the

whole style), and also because I've already missed out 4 classes so it's kinda a bit hard to

catch up.
I thought that was the end of it, until...................
At the pub last weekend, I heard two familiar songs which I have once heard at a pub in

Japan in 2004's summer. I really liked those songs when I was in Japan, however, for some

reason I couldn't find it by typing the fragmented lyrics on google. So it sanked into my

memories....then I heard it again last weekend and I was able to remember more of the lyrics

and enabled me to search it up on google. In my memories, these two songs were so similar

that I thought they were fragments of one song (in turned out that they are seperate songs).

However, to my surprise, when I typed in the artist of these two songs: Turn Me On (Kevin

Lyttle) and Tempted to Touch (Rupee), I was surprised to find that they are both reggae/soca

hits of 2004. (Turn Me On is obviously more popular, I actually liked this song more, the

chorus "turn me on, turn me on" couldn't get out of my head after hearing it at the pub)
Now, I began to think that maybe I am unconsciously attracted to reggae music only that I am

not aware of it!

Another thing that I discovered lately is when I was watching the movie "the Perez Family",

which is about Hispanic immigrants in the United States. I noticed the music in it and I

feel that I am fond of it too. (it naturally gets your body moving) As I know very little

about Hispanic, Latinic, reggae or soca music, I wonder what do they have in common that

really attract me?

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